
Why it's important to upgrade your computer software.

We’ve all seen those alerts to update the operating system or other locally installed computer software. It’s tempting to select the “Remind Me Later” or “Not Now” buttons because we’re often involved in doing something else at the time. The problem is that putting off these updates can put your computer at risk of the latest virus and malware attacks that the updates are intended to block. The importance of operating system updates cannot be over emphasized – especially for businesses. You’ll also miss out on updates that fix bugs and add functionality to improve the speed and usability of the software.

When should I update my computer?

Deciding when is it time to replace your computer depends on a mix of personal and practical considerations. It also depends on what you use your computer for. Home-use and business-use computers usually have different considerations, or at least a differing importance of various considerations. Home-use computers are after all a luxury item while business-use computers are usually required for competitive operation and profit.

Do Apple computers get viruses?

Mac computers have historically been more secure than their PC Microsoft counterparts. This is partially due to their Unix-based operating system with its superior built-in security features. Apple has also included Gatekeeper and other security measures that are more effective at blocking malicious software. PCs were also more heavily targeted by hackers and malware developers simply because they were far more prevalent.

Home network security is absolutely necessary!

Is your home network secure? PROBABLY NOT... especially if it wasn’t set up by a network savvy individual like an IT professional.

At a recent HOPE X hacker conference in New York the takeaway message from one security expert was that most routers used for home networks are profoundly unsecure, and some are so vulnerable to attack that they should be thrown out! Michael Horowitz, an independent computer consultant stated that “If your router is sold at an [electronics chain store], you don’t want to buy it!” He also recommended that if your router was given to you by your internet service provider, you shouldn’t use it. They give away millions of them and that makes them attractive targets for hackers and other cyber criminals. Trouble is, that’s where most of us got our home network equipment.

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